ITR’s Crisis Management Team has been meeting frequently to identify what preventive measures needed to be taken to optimize the protection of the staff and safeguard the work that we are performing for our clients. Of paramount importance is to exclude the virus from the facility by providing safety measures in line with the global guidance available to us.
We have stopped all non-essential travel for staff in favor of other communication methods. Staff members who have visited countries outside of Canada have been asked to quarantine themselves for a period of 2 weeks.
Selected Individuals have been asked to work from home when appropriate. We have also increased sanitation depth and frequency around the facility and increased awareness of appropriate hygiene controls. Office areas and common areas have been re-arranged to ensure appropriate physical distancing practices. We have also introduced shift work to reduce the total number of staff in the facility during operating hours.
Visitors from the outside of the organization that cannot reschedule their visit to the site are asked to wear the provided PPE’s to minimize risk of exposure and business interruption. We are also sanitizing all goods delivered to the facility before they are released internally.
In line with the government’s recommendations, staff have been provided with masks to wear in the common areas of the facility or in their respective laboratory workspaces.
The Crisis Management Team will continue to adjust the above-mentioned procedures as appropriate, to meet or exceed the specific guidance from the WHO and the Federal and Provincial governments. We remain available to answer any specific questions you may have.