– Examine and prescribe medication or any supportive care needed for sick animals;
– Take charge of Surgical,Perioperative care monitoring(preoperative,surgical
and postoperative procedures);
– Perform Regular visits to the animal facilities, followed by written reports
forwarded to the Director of vet services;
– Assure a veterinary care coverage during working hours and as scheduled by
the manager of veterinary services;
– Act as a member on the animal care committee(ACC);
– Serve as an expert advisor and animal advocate to the ACC;
– Report any animal welfare concerns or non-compliance issues to the Director of
Vet Services, the Compliance monitoring manager, and to the ACC;
– Participates in the development, implementation and review of Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs);
– Participates in the development, performing and refinement of any invasive
procedures (e.g. Surgeries);
– Participates in the development and the delivery of education and training staffs
dealing with animal experiments as well as animal care givers;
– Making determinations concerning animal welfare, in collaboration with the
animal care committee, the animal care staffs and all staffs dealing with animal
– Oversee the acclimation program to adapt animals to their new environments and
to different procedures;
– Reviews periodically record keeping procedures in the veterinary service group;
– Other related tasks
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine is required along with an active license;
Contact: abitar@itrlab.com
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